Should I release the pressure in the bucket?

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New Member
Oct 31, 2011
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This may seem a dumb question, but I'm new to this so please bear with me.

I have a regular shop-bought kit on the go in a snap-top bucket and I'm wondering if I should be periodically releasing the pressure? Common sense tells me that the lid snaps on for a reason, but on the other hand, if gas is a by-product on the fermenting process will trapping the gas in some way stifle the fermentation?

I can't help thinking about what happens when you block the exhaust pipe of a running engine...

Any help would be much appreciated.
I keep the lid snapped on but check the pressure once a day and when it gets drum tight I just crack the lid slightly to release pressure then seal it up again. The Guinness clone I have going at the moment built up enough pressure to deform and pop the lid off in a day :shock: . CO2 is heavier than air so will still cover you beer in a nice blanket and stop nastiest getting in for the short time the lid is cracked open. Once the pressure stops building I stop opening the lid until ready to bottle.
Great, thanks guys.

It gets pretty tight after only half an hour or so, so I've been periodically cracking it to alleviate the pressure and let it breath, but I've always made sure to snap it back up to stop contaminants getting in.
RobWalker said:
I just drilled a hole for an airlock into mine. No idea why that isn't a standard feature...

I saw a bucket in Tesco's (Thanet) with just such a hole.
I have the same style lid, i snap the lid on all the way round then unclip one edge very slightly. That way the gas can force it's way out but nothing will get in, works for me anyway