Should I rack a Bavarian Weissbeir or serve cloudy?

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Sep 20, 2012
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St. Andrews, Fife
My recipe(extract) says this beer should be serves cloudy and be drunk young. Will it still be beneficial to rack the beer to a secondary? Won't siphoning into bottling bucket for batch-prime remove enough sediment.

Also what does "drink young" exactly mean? Consume within what...4 weeks/10 weeks what? Why would do you need to drink certain beers "young"? Are they more susceptible to over oxidisation?
racking into a bottling bucket will be more than good enough, and young is a relative term - no point drinking too son from bottles as they won't have had time to condition - but my idea of 'young' is to whack it into a cornie keg, force carb, chill and serve after just 4 days :drink:
The great thing about weissbier is that it can be racked from the primary to the bottle. This is what is traditionally done. A week or two in a corny probably isnt a prob

As for shelf life - they do dry out 3months then you'll start to notice....if it lasts that long:smile: