A newbie sort of question, from someone who has actually done a few brews before, but not a bottom fermenter...
I've got 4.5 gallons of Brupaks Special Lager pitched with 25g of rehydrated Maurivin 497 four days ago, with a good covering of froth and yeast on top (though never any bubbles in the air lock - normal, apparently for this sort of cool ferment). It's been between 10-13C throughout so far, since pitching at 17C.
The krausen is still sat there, so is there any need for me to take a hydrometer reading yet? I'm not keen on sticking anything in until I really need to. If not yet, when should I?
I've got 4.5 gallons of Brupaks Special Lager pitched with 25g of rehydrated Maurivin 497 four days ago, with a good covering of froth and yeast on top (though never any bubbles in the air lock - normal, apparently for this sort of cool ferment). It's been between 10-13C throughout so far, since pitching at 17C.
The krausen is still sat there, so is there any need for me to take a hydrometer reading yet? I'm not keen on sticking anything in until I really need to. If not yet, when should I?