Just finish fermenting the kit and when you drink it you'll know weather the og reading was accurate. And if it's good does it really matter.
I made this mistake when trying to calibrate my iSpindel. The one high OG measurement was notably off when I came to plugging it into the software and it stuck out on the graph like a sore thumbDon't try and make a 1.090 solution go for a 1.050.
I just tested it in 20 C water and it read 0.
I think the most likely explanation is (even dispite a lot of mixing) that the extract/sugar wasn't fully mixed with the water. I'd trust the kits, they are mass produced and unlikely to be wrong. I would chalk it up to experience, and use the OG from the kit and discard your hydrometer OG reading.I think he has.
Could it be the kit at fault?