After lots of overtime, and little time at home never mind getting on here, I have been given the go-ahead for a shiney upgrade, 'as long as I get power to the garage'.
I am thinking of keeping my 50l alu stock pot for a HLT, getting a 80L thermo box (I like the option of BIG beers) and a 100L stock pot. I was also thinking that I will be needing a pump when I get to this kind of size, as getting the fluids around in these volumes may be getting a bit much, and also would like to start fly sparging. Any advice would be welcome on this. Will my existing burner be OK for this kind of volume?
I am thinking of keeping my 50l alu stock pot for a HLT, getting a 80L thermo box (I like the option of BIG beers) and a 100L stock pot. I was also thinking that I will be needing a pump when I get to this kind of size, as getting the fluids around in these volumes may be getting a bit much, and also would like to start fly sparging. Any advice would be welcome on this. Will my existing burner be OK for this kind of volume?