Shall I bottle my beer yet?

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Active Member
Mar 19, 2009
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I started my definitive Youngs bitter last Sunday afternoon; now being Saturday morning and 6 days later. The instructions say leave between 4 and 8, and test for two consecutive readings on the hydrometer and that it is at least 1.006 before bottling.

It has been 1.006 for two days running; however, I washoping that is was going to go down a bit more than this. Also I am still getting a bulge in the lid of the fermenting bin, thus saying carbon dioxide is still coming off. How can that be when the hydrometer is constant? Does it mean my beer is now going flat as it may have finished.

I also dont want it to go bad if I leave it one more day to be certain.

i always leave mine in the FV for 10 days. Then i transfer it to my bottling bucket leave it for another two days to settle. then i bottle. as a general rule when you get the same hydro reading for 3 days running its ready to bottle.

Hope this helps

Schnell88 said:
I started my definitive Youngs bitter last Sunday afternoon; now being Saturday morning and 6 days later. The instructions say leave between 4 and 8, and test for two consecutive readings on the hydrometer and that it is at least 1.006 before bottling.

It has been 1.006 for two days running; however, I washoping that is was going to go down a bit more than this.
I wouldn't want it to go any lower personally or it will lack mothfeel/body
Also I am still getting a bulge in the lid of the fermenting bin, thus saying carbon dioxide is still coming off. How can that be when the hydrometer is constant? Does it mean my beer is now going flat as it may have finished.
What is happening is that the yeast is producing very little if any CO2 but what was in solution is now coming out. Don't worry perfectly normal as when you bottle or keg you will add priming sugar that the yeast will use to produce more CO2 giving your beer condition :party:

I also dont want it to go bad if I leave it one more day to be certain.
It wont go bad dont worry as davesiv has said beer is regularly left for 10 to 14 days before being dealt with :thumb:
