Selection of hop pellets

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Jan 24, 2013
Reaction score
Reading, Berkshire
I've had a bog standard 1 can kit on the go for nearly a week (Geordie's Yorkshire bitter with 1kg beer enhancer & 400g dextrose). I've got 3 packets (100g each) of hop pellets courtesy of the Malt Miller:
Summit - Adds Bitterness & grapefruit
Cascade - Adds Floral / Spicy perfume
Mount Hood - Mild / Herbal & lupulin?

I was wondering if I can mix these. What I should/shouldn't mix, rough amounts of each or just stick to one variety.

Probably need to add them tonight as with the festival kits, you add the pellets half way through. Any advice at all is gratefully received as this is my first foray into playing with these things.
To my mind I would go with either Cascade or Mount Hood for dry hopping a bitter. Summit is really zesty/fruity and could turn out a bit strange in the style.

I also wouldn't go too heavy-handed with them either. Somewhere around 30g for a 5 gallon brew. IPAs and APAs are supposed to have "up front" hop character but not so much with a traditional bitter, you just want the dry hop to add a little freshness over the malt and bitterness. :thumb: