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Temp is coming down nicely and the ferment has calmed down a little, hopefully Im in time and have avoided a 4 gallon plug hole swirl!!! :rofl:
graysalchemy said:
Yes way to hot fusel alcohol territory. They taste solventy and cause hangovers.

Get it out of there.

I'm sorry to hyjack the thread but could someone explain fusel alcohol to me please. This is something that I have seen mentioned before but never asked.
Fusel alcohols are a group of higher alcohols which are caused early on in fermentation when yeast is going through its growth phase. There is a prevalence to their production if fermentation takes place at a higher temp ie above 21-22c.

Fusels are responsible for the solvent like taste in beer wine and cider and is thought to contribute to hangovers though some reports suggest not. Anyway they are a flaw in a beers taste so something i would try and avoid at all cost whether they cause a hangover or not. :thumb: