Scaling down my brewing...

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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2011
Reaction score
Birmingham, England
Well, here it is - I drink too much. That much is obvious, and with 3 kegs consistently full, i've probably got too much available at a time.

Further to that, my current extract method requires a lot of topping up, which is affecting both hop utilization and overall quality. I noticed the other day that I'm unable to make a pale beer, only one that's slightly amber - probably due to caramelization and DME.

As such, I've decided to go for 2 gallon brewing from now on. That'll give me more brewdays and a greater variety of beer, the ability to lager and temp control all makes sense, and my kit is taking up too much room these days!

Rock and roll!
Yeah, but one 2 gallon all grain brew day equals 15 pints every couple of weeks...I'm gonna brew for quality, not for volume like I am now, and that way I'll appreciate what I have rather than going nuts like a kid in a sweet shop with a gift voucher...

I'd give plenty away, but I use plastic kegs so it's 40 pints or nothing :cheers: hahah.
How long does a keg last you? I've got 5 kegs full at the minute, and an FV full ready to refill the 6th keg I just emptied :) On average I get through 40 pints a month, more if too many mates pop in for a 'chat', less if I'm billy no mates.

This way I've got plenty of variety and the new stuff gets a good couple of months in a keg before I'm tempted to drink it, which is making a big difference to the quality of the ale in the kegs :)

I 'play' with one gallon fermenters with various turbo ciders, wines and other such experimental stuff to keep from getting bored in between brew days, and practice for the day I go all grain :)

On the other hand, where are you based? I might be looking for some AG kit in a month or two :D
What happens when you brew a cracker ........ and find you've only 20 bottles :?
Baz Chaz said:
What happens when you brew a cracker ........ and find you've only 20 bottles :?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Surely you'll just end up buying home brews poor relations from the supermarkets :nono:

Personally i would keep brewing as you are 40 pints isn't alot in a month :rofl:
Really though it's not that bad, a pint is around 2 units so thats 80 units a month, as you say you share it around a bit so lets say you personally drink 25 to 30 pints thats only 3 to 4 units 2 pints a day, add to that you will drink the majority on a weekend as most people do then it's not as bad as you think! ;)

Just drink more water inbetween your sessions.

I'm with the others on this one, you need to sit down and do some joined up thinking here Rob :lol:
Pins are good for giving stuff away and bottles do help to steady up your drinking , "shall I open another, no just have another nibble at he cornie " :nono:
One of the reasons that I stopped using corny's, was their "ease of use" :) Spending the same amount of time to produce less beer doesn't make sense, thats why I went from five gallons to eighteen. :D :lol: