Saturday March 31st NCB / MCB Saltaire Brewery IPA Comp

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Apr 13, 2009
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Northern & Midland Craft Brewers are having a Competition & Meeting at the Saltaire Brewery, Shipley, Saturday March 31st 2012 - My Blog post on it **************************/2012/02/03/t ... 1st-march/


This year we are running an English IPA competition, to be judged by Derek (The Brewery Manager of Saltaire Brewery), Zak Avery (Beer Blogger & of BeerRitz in Leeds) Rob Derbyshire (Blogger of, among others.
Sadly Tony, the owner & Head Brewer of Saltaire, won’t be with us as he has family arrangements he cannot break, if anyone wants to leave him a bottle or two I’m sure he’d be very pleased.
We invited the Midlands Craft Brewers, to make things a little different as last year it was just the NCB, so this will be a bit of an Inter region competition, as well as a good meeting, get brewing your best English IPA recipe, this promises to be a great meeting and competition, not to mention we are hoping to see lots of Leeds Homebrewers too.
One entry per person only & entry is 2 pint/500ml brown (Magners style) Bottles, with Gold crown corks, (entries to be brought on the day).
Prizes will be awarded as usual, & the brewery will have 8 beers on Tap and guess what… all 8 beers are being brewed especially for the occasion, Saltaire’s IPA will fill one Tap and the other 7 Taps are being brewed by a few local Homebrewers, the beers will all be IPA’s so make sure you bring a fresh pallet as we hope to ravage yours.
We are running this as a charitable event so other than the Saltaire IPA the other homebrewed beers will be for a donation, we’d hope donations will be as last year with people giving the usual Saltaire price of £2 a pint.

We are expecting a large amount of entries for this competition, therefore to enter, please
Email: [email protected]

Closing Date for entries is Friday 16th March 2012
2 Bottle labels and entry number will be posted out to each entrant.
£3.00 Competition entry on the Day.

English IPA, any English hops, 1050-1070 (Please see this PDF of Hops allowed, no american C hops or NZ varieties please this is an English IPA Competition), any Malts allowed and your choice of Yeast.

The Original announcement:

Other stuff to note, we’ll be meeting at 12 noon for a 1pm start, doors will be open earlier but we’ll be setting up so if you’re early take a seat and chill while we’re ready.
Bring food if you need it as there is nothing closer than a 10 minute walk, the ground floor has level access.
And of course, beer swapping, tasting of homebrew is very much encouraged… we’re on for a fantastic day! :)
I shall update this post if any other details crop up, Turn your brewing dial to ‘Eleven’ and get that Copper boiling!
Not many takers on here.

If you can get to this event, you need to, It will be a belter, if you want to enter an IPA there is still plenty of Time.

Rules are Here

email me: [email protected] before march 15th to enter your beer.

We have over 30 entries so far with a good balance between NCB and MCB, with a few non members too.

I will also look forward to seeing you on the day, last years saltaire meet was a really good social event & this year looks to be 10 times better. (I might be Camping just up the road so it might be a good day/evening out, I know a few who are staying the night)

Whoever wins this will have some real Kudos, there are some very good brewers who have beers in, if you place it will be because you have entered a stunning beer!

& there will be no buying the 1st prize by entering several times.

Good luck to all that have entered & lets see some more entries coming in, You got to be in it to win it.

And if you are not planning on coming to visit on the day, you are going to miss a very very good social event, there is no need to enter the competition to attend & enjoy a few beers with like minded brewers, come along you will be made very welcome, & there will be plenty of fountains of knowledge to tap information from, if you are looking to learn things. (they tend to be more free with the info when slightly fueled too).

Join the Exclusive club
"March 31st 2012 Saltaire Brewery, Shipley, Yorkshire, 12 noon I was There.
I came I Saw I IPA'd !!!!!!!!!!"
reminder to those who have been invited to brew for the bar at Saltaire, don't forget to fire-up Photoshop and design a pump clip for your beer...
I'll be wanting your beers at the brewery the week before, ensure they are fined too (though I'm sure we'll manage some Hop-haze) :)

cheers :)
Brewers for the bar are:

Paul @ BarleyBottom
Rob from
And one other who Shane has kindly organised, i don't know the name...
1 Saltaire Brewery Empress IPA (an all English hopped IPA).

If we get thru that lot, I'm sure BeerClub leftovers could come into play.
Franklin said:
Brewers for the bar are:

Paul @ BarleyBottom
Rob from
And one other who Shane has kindly organised, i don't know the name...
1 Saltaire Brewery Empress IPA (an all English hopped IPA).

If we get thru that lot, I'm sure BeerClub leftovers could come into play.
& possibly Farleyman & need to check that one

Hello All if you want to enter your IPA into this essential English IPA competition of the year, you need to contact me before 15th March, no entries will be accepted after this date, I will be sending out labels this weekend, MCBA members will be hand delivered to the Crown Nuneaton this Saturday.

This will be a great meet and a decent competition to enter with feedback from NGBWJ Judges as well as Judges who work in the commercial beer sector.

Good luck to all that have entered.

Ok chaps and Ladies, this is the last call (almost) for entries to what will be this years Biggest English IPA competition.

We are pushing nearly 40 entries for this competition, but we still have room for a few more, and there will be Trophies and prizes for the winners sideboards, so get your entry in and come and enjoy a great day of celebrating IPA's.

Entries close at midnight on Friday March the 15th, I will not be accepting any after this date.

So if you have a beer you want to enter, email me [email protected] please provide a name and an address to post the bottle labels too in the email.

Entry fee is taken on the day.

Good luck.

Not many days left, 4 before close of entries & just shy of 40 entries, it would be nice to get a round number, or above.

So if your considering entering, email me before midnight on Friday & I will post bottle labels and final details out to you.
