Sarah Hughes Dark Ruby and Fullers ESB Style

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Dec 3, 2014
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This I think will be my fourth and fifth AG brews and I must say that the children and family and friends have enjoyed these beers immensely. My father who is not a great beer drinker loved the Fullers London Porter and Sam Smiths Oatmeal stout and knew right away that it had roasted barley in it, commenting that 'this was the way beers used to be made not like the rubbish that you get served in pubs these days' (his words not mine, please don't sue)

Anyhow great-ones! I am trying slowly to make lighter beers and have settled upon Sarah Hughes dark ruby style and Fullers ESB style. I was going to ask how to make William Bros. The Honey Thief but didn't want to appear like a pansy. The recipes are once again adaptations of Mr. Wheelers legendary book and very simple which is the key to their success I imagine. Wish me luck as soon as the grains arrive for the hallowed county of Gloucestershire I'm going in! :D

Fullers ESB Style


Maris Otter 5060g
Crystal Malt 500g

Start of Boil
Target Hops 17g
Challenger Hops 9g
Northdown Hops 9g

Last Ten Minutes of Boil
Golding Hops 12g

Sarah Hughes Dark Ruby

Maris Otter 5110g
Crystal Malt 900g

Start of Boil
Fuggle Hops 31g
Golding Hops 26g

Last Ten Minutes of Boil
Fuggle Hops 19g

Thanks for the info. Began playing with mild ales a few years back. The Sarah Hughes is especially delicious.

Most welcome. I read mixed reviews about it, low carbonation, little head retention etc from people who bought it commercially and then again there was some people who loved it like yourself :D
Hi thanks for sharing the ale ingredients. How larg is the batch you make with that amount of malts? Do you also have the ingredients for an oatmeal stout? We'planning on making one in September. Thanks in advance!
I think the Sultan gets his Graham Wheeler recipes from the Worcester Hop Shop website. They sell recipe packs for 23 litre brews.

This is the thread that led to his Oatmeal stout:

Yes the Hop shop! awesome service! The oatmeal stout was gleaned from somewhere else though. I would not use Nottingham Ale yeast again for the oatmeal stout, it was far too vibrant a strain for the style and many of the bottles were just a little over carbonated. ( I accidently primed one bottle twice and when I opened it, it was like champagne) Perhaps this was my fault because I am used to S0-4 which produced an almost perfect carbonation in a similar batch. :D

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