Safe to bottle at 1.018?

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Mar 2, 2013
Reaction score
nr. Scarbados
Prompt advice welcome!

My OG was 1.072 (Brewferm Abdij kit) by the time I'd added 550g Golden Syrup. It had 10 days at 25C (the temperature required for this Belgian Abbey style, as per instructions) and it then rested cooler, around 10-16C, for a few days.

It's now reading 1.019@12C, which temperature corrected = 1.018.

Is this OK to bottle???

Attenuation wise, it's over 72.5%, but well short of Brewferm's hopes of 1.010!
If the gravity has been constant for 3 days then it's ok to bottle. That attenuation sounds reasonable but it depends on the yeast.
Thanks very much. I usually take more readings than this, but I decided to try to keep the lid firmly closed and do what I know some experienced forum members do, and go by time (10 days - at exactly the correct temperature) and reasonable attenuation, rather than lifting the lid and tampering for three days in a row. First time I've ever done that, and I'm left in two minds. It's also the first time I've done such a high OG beer.

It's a tough call, but having already stood it cool for three days and batch primed it, I'm going to take the chance. :pray: I've filled a plastic bottle so I can keep an eye on things to some extent - I will be squeezing that regularly!