Sad day for me

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Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
North of 't Border
Buried my best mate today. :(

Known him for over 30 years now, he was a heavy smoker :nono: who quit when he had a heart attack a few years ago, but the damage was done. He died last Tuesday of cancer related stuff. I saw him on Sat and he was fine (ish) but went into decline on Monday :(

A small warning to those of you who smoke and say it will not happen to me, it MAY be warned. He was in given six months to live last Oct so managed a bit more but not enough.

So raise a glass of HB to him for me please. :drink:

RIP Bill Hunter or Melrose.
:drink: i will raise my glass later, but just now im fitting a radiator

so cheers to lost friends :drink: :drink:
At work, so raised a mug of tea. Will raise a pint of HB later.

To lost friends. :drink:
As we get old its hard to see our friends circle slowly get smaller. I've lost 3 good friends over the last few years, one, Tony was the best person I've ever known to have a beer with. Still miss his company. Sorry about your mate I will raise a glass. :drink:
Sorry to hear it mate, I will have a beer for him later, bit early to have a beer for breakfast.

I lost a few of my mates over the past 10 years to different things.

Slainte mathe Bill :drink:

Sorry to hear about your mate, I will be having a drink later tonight

To lost friends and family :drink: