Running out of bottles..Any ideas?

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Active Member
Jan 2, 2014
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I currently have:-
2 gallons Wild Cherry
1 gallon Raspberry, Red Currant, Raspberry & Red Currant, Nettle, Eelderflower, Rhubarb
5 gallons of Bramble which is coming to the end of its ferment.

I only have 18 empty bottles.

I have enough Elderberries, Brambles and Plums in the freezer to make 5 gallons of each.

I was wondering if I cold use Bag in Boxes to store the wine until I can bottle it?

Has anyone got any other suggestions if BIB's are not a good idea?
Any local eateries that allow BYOB, they will have plenty of empties every weekend. 1.5 litre vodka bottles from pubs/clubs is another source if you want to keep 2 bottles worth, also source a few 1/4 wine bottles for the leftovers.
Put it in 5 litre supermarket water bottles for a couple of months; that gives you time to collect bottles from sources named above. Use the water to make wine from your frozen fruits.
I go to pubs and ask for bottles, I also give out beers to friends and ask for the empties.

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