Well the surgery was successful and the patient is no longer haemorraging all over Her kitchen floor! Swapped it with a tap from an empty barrel along with a nice smear of Vaseline along the rim (more tea vicar).
Was my first brew with my own hops also... would have been gutted to lose it.
Lost a barrel load of the first grain stout I made , racked and fined and only just primed ,in the barrel to condition.....2 days later I was called to the garage to inspect a large black sticky puddle .
So yes ,god forsaken ,cousin-on-cousin ,in breeding tap bastards .And it wasnt one of the cheap ones either .
I've learnt know, keep it on the kitchen side where I can keep an eye on it easily for a couple of days.
the leaky on that I had has had the tap adjusted and vaseline on the gasket, its currently sat there with 40pints of great eastern in it so I'm very carefully checking it regularly