Returning Brewer

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Active Member
Supporting Member
Jul 5, 2010
Reaction score
UK, Kent
Hi all,

After being one of those people who couldn't understand how anyone could possibly just stop brewing... I stopped for 10 years. So I'm not exaclty a new member, more the prodigal son returning after 10 years in the wilderness.

I'm Chris, 48, married with 3 kids and have something like 20 all grain brews under my belt, but the only memory I have of those is what I wrote in my blog at the time (Shed Brewer) and thank god I did, becuase I have forgotten 90% of it. I tested my shed brewery last weekend (although it is now a garage brewery in my new place) and all but one boiler are working fine. The non-working one heats up and seems to stop randomly so might be something to do with the element.

So, if you'll have me, I'm back :)

Welcome back Chris. I know perfectly well how one can stop brewing, try doing all grain in a first floor flat with a tiny kitchen. Even tried making a couple of kits. Couldn't wait to get a proper place again.
A lot has changed in 10 years. What are you going to brew first?
Welcome back Chris. I know perfectly well how one can stop brewing, try doing all grain in a first floor flat with a tiny kitchen. Even tried making a couple of kits. Couldn't wait to get a proper place again.
A lot has changed in 10 years. What are you going to brew first?

Thanks! I'm doing an SNPA clone. Mrs B keeps bringing them home from Sainsburys and they keep disappearing too quick :)

I ordered the ingredients from Brew UK this afternoon

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