Don't worry! Just like getting married and having kids, there's no right time to retire you just have to do it; if you can.
On a Management Course a very old man (who at the time was about fifteen years younger than I am now
) told me about retired people and said:
"If you have all day to write and post a letter then writing and posting a letter will take all day; and that's what happens to people who retire."
What a load of crap! What he should have said is:
"When you retire and get stuck into doing those things that you want to do, you will wonder how the hell you managed to find the time to go to work."
Since retiring, amongst many, many other activities, SWMBO and I have:
- Bought and sold houses.
- Bought and sold boats, motorhomes and cars.
- Lived:
- On a boat cruising the canals of Europe for eight years.
- In a motorhome for +/- two years.
- In a caravan for +/- two years.
- Cycled an average of about 8,000 miles a year for 10 years.
- Been to the USA and Australia on holiday. (If you can actually have a holiday when you are retired.)
- Re-roofed a garage and built a conservatory and a shed.
- Been to the funerals of quite a number of friends and relatives. (That would have happened if I'd still been working.)
- Brewed oodles of beer.
- etc
- etc
The list is endless and I feel tired even typing it out.
I worked from when I was aged twelve with a paper round all year and seasonal work during the school "holidays" (strawberry picking in summer, tatty picking in autumn, digging over allotments in winter and singling up beets in the spring).
I retired when I was 60 years old and the only significant time I had off work was nine months back in 1967 after I tried to ride a motorbike up a lamp-post; so by the time I was 60 I had been working for 48 years.
I've now been retired for 15 years and I can honestly say
"Retirement is better than work." so go for it when you have the chance. :thumb: