Recipe's that don't require fermentation bucket?

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Dec 8, 2010
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I am looking for recipe's that can go straight into demijohns, gonna try out some turbo cider later on today. Anyone have any suggestions/Ideas? Anything would be greatly appeciated, thanks :mrgreen:

Hi, i wouldn't want to make fresh fruit wines in a demi john because of the ammount of fruit.Fruit country wines are usually started on the pulp in a fermentation bucket-bin and after initial ferment when juices have been extracted transferred to a demi john to ferment to a finish,racking etc along the way as reqd or as per recipe. Happy Fermenting :cheers: ken
Try Wurzels Orange Wine. Great recipe have made 2 batches and now have 5gals on the go for next year. (I found that 5l wasn't enough, it kept getting drunk faster than I could make it :D )
I just tried my first turbo cider the other day, it's just fermenting away at the min,
Thought I would try to make it a mix fruit one so don't know how it will turn out,
I bought 4x 1 litre cartons of co-op value apple juice from concentrate, 1x 1litre of orange (all like 59p each I think)
Put all in a DJ added a little sugar, and some vimto, A teaspoon of yeast nutrient, and just over A teaspoon full of yeast, now it's happily fermenting away in a nice warm place,

While on this subject.... Would you more experienced guys just bottle it and prime them when the yeasties have done there job or place in a second DJ for a while longer, overall I'm after a sweetish and abit fizzy finish to it.
i agree with hairyBiker.

theres never enough to last a month until the next batch is ready. I tend to make 3 or 5 gal batches of WOW now ( or mad scientist variations....pineapple is exquisite).

So invest in at least a 3 Gal Fermenting bin its a snip at under a tenner.

metalmickey said:
So invest in at least a 3 Gal Fermenting bin its a snip at under a tenner.


It's not a snip when you have to pay £17 postage! -I don't live on mainland.
I may invest in a mop bucket with a lid, should be alright shouldn't it? :grin:
jonsey99 said:
Put all in a DJ added a little sugar, and some vimto, A teaspoon of yeast nutrient, and just over A teaspoon full of yeast, now it's happily fermenting away in a nice warm place,

Do I have to add yeast nutrient? As I said above I don't live on mainland so these things are a bit hard to come by unless i order on the net. I heard tomato puree was a good alternative, is that true :?: :?:
No the nutrient is optional, just makes it ferment quicker, and not sure about the purée, maybe one of the more experienced guys on here could shed some light on that one.
yep i heard the same,

Why not start collecting 5 litre water bottles which you can use as large DJs. Two or three on the go at the same time will give you plenty of capacity. or even stagger them every two weeks for an almost contstant supply.

If you find a bucket/bin just make sure its food standard. if it aint then you'll be subject to contamination as i suspect the surfaces arent perfectly smooth (places for beasties to hide).

Have you tried fleabay? ive seen em for about 3-4 quid. or maybe get an order together yeast, petctolase, campden tabs, nutrient and tannin maybe even glycerine/glycerol. Everytthing you need to make your juice wines (wurzels orange wine).

best of luck with the search.

metalmickey said:
Why not start collecting 5 litre water bottles which you can use as large DJs. Two or three on the go at the same time will give you plenty of capacity. or even stagger them every two weeks for an almost contstant supply.

Hi Neil,
At the moment I have 5x 4.5L glass demijohns, my first brew is still brewing away nicely but I have indeed decided to order a bucket. :)

Just a quick question to throw out there...
I put 4.5L apple juice, 1/3 youngs sachet yeast and half a dozen tsp sugar per 4.5L DJ. It started fermenting on friday evening, but now seems to have stopped? Is that too soon? It has gone all cloudy but does however smell nice and cidery.... Any ideas? It has been in my front room which gets very warm at times because there is a wood stove in there which is lit atleast once a day.

Also, when it comes to bottling... is it correct that I just bottle it up with 1tsp sugar per 500ml for a nice fizz?
