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Sep 26, 2013
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Bottled a 5 litre batch of Blueberry Wine about 3 weeks ago. Just tried to open one and cork and corkscrew flew into the air almost taking my head off. Wine fab but bubbly. Do I really have to rebottle the whole fracking batch? :doh:
I'm assuming they're not in big heavy solid champagne bottles?

If it's carbonating in bottles then you risk having bottle bombs if it's just in ordinary wine bottles...
If you didn't intend on sparkling wine then yes you will need to decant the bottles and stabilise the wine, before re-bottling. Did you use campden and pot sorb before bottling?

Nope. Normal bottles. Didn't add sorbate as SG was stable for weeks. I really thought it was done! Lucky I decided to open a bottle last night or it could have taken out the whole cellar I guess. dumped it all back in fv's and added cam and sorb last night. I think I knew I would have to but didn't want the extra work. Worth it though, coz I ended up drinking so much of it while muttering curses to myself that when I got up for work this morning I found a new brew on the go. No idea what it is but my elderflower stash has reduced. Mystery wine!

Thanks for confirming my fears though. Just goes to show, just when you think you have the hang of it, brewing can literally blow up in your face. :doh: