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Senior Member
Jul 3, 2012
Reaction score
Belper, Derbyshire
So I finally made the big purchase and have the stuff for my first brew.

I am fairly confident on most of the important parts of the boiling process but still have some confusions.

I have bought white labs yeast this needs starting buts should this be done minutes, hours or days prior to pitching these being the different time frames I have seen mentioned.

I ordered two FVso that I can do primary and secondary ferment but how long is each stage (I know it is not exact science) I have seen people say a couple of days primary through to 8 days or in one case just until it tests about 3 points above FG then transfer to the second FV.

Finally I intend to use a pressure barrel and prime with 100g of Golden Syrup (this seems about the right amount?) the bottling and barreling stage is often covered quickly in guides but I think I have the process right in so far as you syphon the beer in keeping the tube under the surface (presume just slow at first) and fill. Then you pressure the barrel, wait, release the lighter "air" and re pressureise and wait (how long? the same 4 weeks as you would give minimum for bottles or less)

Oh and lets not forget to clean and sterilise religiously!

I appreciate that these may be personal preference but I already have the pursuit of brilliant beer bug (I think it is how long I have been waiting to start and filling my brain with info from different sources).
Thanks for your time.

Hi , yeast vial = you should get this from fridge a good few hours before using and you can just pitch it direct into brew however if your brew is over 1040 you should ideally make a starter first (around 2/3 days before brew day ) around a pint of water and 100g of dme . you could make an 7 pint starter with 500g of dme ferment for a week then split into 10 ish plastic bottles then you have many, making yeast much cheaper . "nd fv is best after start of fermentation this around 3 days plus a day or 2 to be sure then transfer before complete (but leaving it in 1st all the way is fine too )so co2 is still being produced to give your beer a protective blanket in fv from air which will ruin a beer (after being left for a time in air). Moving is good so as to help get clearer beer and less sediment in brew but risks getting infected from being messed with so many don't do (including me).I would just use sugar as its cheaper and you wont notice any difference plus syrup is less fermentable and i think 100g is equal to approx 75g of sugar .
Why don't you post your recipe and method in brew day and if there's any problems people could help :thumb:
you will find that theres as many ways of brewing as there are folks brewing, times temps all are altered by the individual brewer as to their preference. However all fail into " basic parameters " Do you move brews to second fv ? when do you move ? do you brew at 20 or 23 degrees ? Yeasts are very sturdy and tolerant organisms and will make alcohol under varies scenarios to the best of their ability. We just steer them along the path that we want.
In relation to using a 2nd fv. its not necessary by any means, I personally find it helps in getting clear beers, but have found the most important thing it does is it slows me down a little and allows the yeasts more time to work and finish off, than I as the brewer am likely to give it ( we are always in a rush )
Initial fermentation can be quick and violent a lot of yeast cells are produced live work and die they drop out to the bottom. I then find it beneficial to move the brew off all the " trub " after 4 - 6 days into a 2nd fv and allow it to ferment out there. It takes the brew off all the majority of rubbish and in some cases gives it just the amount of stirring and mixing to prevent a stuck ferment. But its my preference and I'm sure that using only 1 fv would not be detrimental.
What it does it makes me leave the yeast working for a few extra days which I do find of benefit. So I give 6 days in one vessel and move to another for 5 or 6 days.
i ferment in a dj then i store the yeast in 330ml plastic bottles in the fridge , should be good for 6 to 12 months i hear

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