Racking a Belgian trappist-style

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Active Member
Mar 16, 2011
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Hi All,

I am trying to make a Westvleteren clone out for which I have used dark candy sugar syrup (Malt Miller) and Westmalle yeast cultured from a bottle. It's clearly going right. It's fermented now and it smells and tastes right, and the yeast went absolutely mental as I believe is characteristic (although something of a surprise at 16 degrees C)!

My question is this: I now come to the period of 'conditioning' which is prior to bottling and can be up to 8 weeks (for Westvleteren 12 i have read) - what do i do?
a) move it to a new vessel and leave it exposed to air without protective layer of yeast and carbon dioxide
b) leave it in the fermenting vessel to condition complete with spent yeast layer
c) something else

Hope you can help!

Thanks :)
i would do b for sure , im a great weissbier fan and has similar things to begian styles i used to move to 2nd but have found out best to leave alone as you say at the mo its protected