Hi All,
I racked off my mead yesterday after it had been fermenting for a month. Now, fermentation has slowed dramatically. Before racking, I was getting about 6-8 bubbles per minute, now it's dropped to one bubble every two minutes. I'm more than a little concerned that the air that inevitably entered the demijohn when being racked is not being replaced by the CO2 from fermentation which might upset my brew. The mead measured at 1030 so fermentation is not complete.
Should I be worried? Am I worrying too soon? Anything I can do to get things running again?
I racked off my mead yesterday after it had been fermenting for a month. Now, fermentation has slowed dramatically. Before racking, I was getting about 6-8 bubbles per minute, now it's dropped to one bubble every two minutes. I'm more than a little concerned that the air that inevitably entered the demijohn when being racked is not being replaced by the CO2 from fermentation which might upset my brew. The mead measured at 1030 so fermentation is not complete.
Should I be worried? Am I worrying too soon? Anything I can do to get things running again?