Quickest (2-3 weeks?) & Most Drinkable Brew With Limited Equipment

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The quickest and most potent stuff, in my experience, is ginger beer. Use any recipe (I used to use Berry's in First Seps in Winemaking). Ginger beer is meant to be drunk while it's still sweet and fermenting and therefore with relatively little alcohol, but let it ferment out and prime it and it'll take your head off. When I used to make this stuff, I'd add a carton of fruit juice- any flavour- not tomato- to a gallon. I stopped making this decades ago because I used to get far too pissed far too quickly on it, which rather defeats the object unless that is the object.
In retrospect, I think drinking it from a pint glass might not have been a good idea either, but this was long before I had sufficient means to invest in a hydrometer and it did the business so don't knock it.
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Hell no! Imagine a lager, but with some flavour and after you've had a glug you wait and then get an aftertaste. I know a lot of lager drinkers are like pfffwhatchasayin?? right now, but it's like a bonus flavour that comes after and it's more than often fantastic - better than the actual swigging. Oh god - I'll find something to explain what flavour is and link to it. For now, lager people, imagine you swallowed something, then you smile and nod and then pat your tummy - yeah? The tummy, that's the bit in the middle where the beer goes until you need do pee-pee, yeah?

Aftertastes can include:
A delicious grainy biscuitty thing.
An orangey thing.
An almost ice-creamy thing.
A banana-ey thing.
A not being lager thing!!!!

I enjoy the entire spectrum of flavours in beers and sadly lager kits are in the ultra violet and that's why wasps primarily live in beer gardens.

Mate, I definitely lost track there somewhere around the tummy part!

The quickest and most potent stuff, in my experience, is ginger beer. Use any recipe (I used to use Berry's in First Seps in Winemaking). Ginger beer is meant to be drunk while it's still sweet and fermenting and therefore with relatively little alcohol, but let it ferment out and prime it and it'll take your head off. When I used to make this stuff, I'd add a carton of fruit juice- any flavour- not tomato- to a gallon. I stopped making this decades ago because I used to get far too pissed far too quickly on it, which rather defeats the object unless that is the object.
In retrospect, I think drinking it from a pint glass might not have been a good idea either, but this was long before I had sufficient means to invest in a hydrometer and it did the business so don't knock it.

Ginger beer sounds pretty good, I'll look into it
Hard lemonade is an easy one. Originally named "Skeeter Pee".
I used to make it up to 10% or more, still and unsweetened, then drink it 50/50 with something sparkling, like Sprite, or just soda water.
AA glad you said not tomato juice as technically it is a fruit. My Mother in law used to make ginger beer many years ago and as you said it was bottled whilst still fermenting, make excellent bottle bombs💣💣💣
As Chippy says, a WOW (supermarket fruit juice) wine can come good fairly quickly. My suggestion during these odd times would be one made with 2L apple, 1L pineapple and 500g ish of sugar, plus the rest of the things the thread suggests you add. You'll end up with a drinkable, slightly Chardonnay wine of about 15%. You should be able to get the various chemicals, yeast etc that you need online. My recipe on my blog here.

Luckily read this just before I went for my essentials shop today so picked up some cartons. Do you top up after the yeast gets going, or is the recipe just for 3L of wine? Also, does it matter what yeast I use? I think I've only got some Gervins sparkling wine yeast in.
Luckily read this just before I went for my essentials shop today so picked up some cartons. Do you top up after the yeast gets going, or is the recipe just for 3L of wine? Also, does it matter what yeast I use? I think I've only got some Gervins sparkling wine yeast in.

Start with all the juice and add water to just above the shoulder of the DJ this gives you room to degas later when you rack the wine to the second DJ to clear and stabilise it, you top up then with more water.
If you have a heater belt, how about any malt extract beer kit and Kveik yeast, get it hot, 35+degrees and you can have it fermented in less than a week, drinking after 10 days! Incredible yeast, right now you may struggle to get some Kveik but the one if you can find any I would suggest is Voss. Have a quick forum search. 😏

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