pressure barrels

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Sep 25, 2010
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Hessle East Yorkshire
Just wondering (now im brewing more beer) what the pros and cons are regarding pressure barrels or similar maybe would be better in a barrel rather having tons of bottles lying around :D
I find that when in a barrel the brew is a bit flat, both in flavours and fizz, by the end.
Bottles seem to improve with age, though that could just be me, and there is something very satisfying about opening a bottle of your own brew.
I started with bottles, moved to pressure barrels and now I am generally back to bottles.
Having said that I have just 5mins ago put five gallon into a barrel. It was a brew using local brewery yeast that I just ain't too happy with so Im not going to waste my time bottling.
Having said all that, some brews just taste better out of a barrel, some taste better out of a polyp in, some taste better out of bottles etc :party:

Most things are worth a try :D :thumb:
I have found that the price of most barrels doesnt make it worth wile when the cornys are £50 or less from norm on ebay
and they are good for this time of year if you keep them in the shed , and you can allways fill a bottle from the corny too so you get best of both worlds.
they are 19ltr so you got about 1Ltr to bottle up for a 20ltr brew more for bigger brews

but they need company more is better with theese
Guide to Cornelius Kegs

Apart from the keg you also need a pair of disconnects (in and out), a tap of some description, and a means of injecting CO2. That can range from a pub-type gas cylinder with regulators and gas lines to the Hambleton Bard cylinders and connectors which any decent HBS should sell, and as used with plastic pressure barrels. My own CO2 set-up uses a canibalised SodaStream and their cylinders.

PS: If you buy kegs from Norm, he frequently supplies them with disconnects, but he sells everything you would need.

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