Pressure barrells

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Dec 12, 2012
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Im thinking of getting a Wherry 40 pint kit..i think ive got all the equipment except a 23l pressure barrell, ive looked at one in wilkos but it doesnt seem to have a CO2 injection cap...are these essential??
Wilko does sell the injector cap separately. The Wilko barrel is fine, I have one, but the opening at the top isn't wide enough to get your arm in for cleaning, that's the only drawback.

As to whether you need the injector cap, I would say yes in my experience, because the pressure from the secondary fermentation will only last you until about half way down the barrel. Then you'll need to top up with CO2.
Reasons. You can expel excess air before conditioning. It forces beer out therefore preventing air from getting in and this means it lasts longer. As well as making it feel nicer as you drink it.
You can get CO2 injector cap lids off eBay that fit the Wilko barrels.

I think they're useful and have got one fitted to mine, sometimes the seal isn't great and the CO2 produced by the beer leaks out, so it's good to have a back-up way of getting some more CO2 in. I do like those Wilko barrels as they deform a bit when pressure builds, which tells you that there's gas in there - have had enough problems with gas loss from the more expensive barrels :(
ive just got a pressure barrel with the injector cap but the actual cap itself is cracked can i just replace the cap..ive seen replacement caps on ebay for £4ish but the whole cap and injector cost £13ish so i guess what im asking is will the injector i have fit onto a new cap??

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