Yeah getting some lettuce and strawberries...won't be long for toms and peppers.
I have loads of seeds so i will get cracking. Should i plant directly into the soil or trays first? I have raised beds. Thank you mate.You could plant loads...from seed..lettuce,radish,brassicas,or get ready done from a garden centre.
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Good job he's not growing plumsWhat a fine pair of melons you have Clint.
Do you have trouble with pigeons with all those green leaves uncovered?It’s still not too late to get stuff in the ground. If your not confident enough to grow from seed then you can get plug plants from your local garden centre or even online from the likes of dobbies and others.My wife wouldn’t ever let me poly tunnel the whole veggie patch so it’s only ever going to be a small 8x6 tunnel and the two raised beds for me. Enough to teach the kids and feed the family for the summer.
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Do you have trouble with pigeons with all those green leaves uncovered?
Lookin good H!