Please tell me the ABV of this wine

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Mar 6, 2014
Reaction score
Newcastle under Lyme, Staffordshire
Please can some one explain to me how to calculate the ABV of the Carrot Whiskey/Wine I have made.

I can work out ABV when doing juice based wines but this has me stumped so any help you can give would be appreciated. :thumb:

This is what I did: 2kg carrots boiled for 20 mins. strained water into bucket. Add 1.5 kg sugar and top up to 5 ltr. Hydro read 1.120

Add 1kg wheat, citric acid, nutrient, yeast.

Strain into DJ 5 days later - got 4 ltrs

Topped up to 4.5 ltrs

Fermented out to 0.992


If you know your OG and FG just plug the numbers into any of the many abv calculators online.
Different calculators may give different abv values but they'll give you a ballpark figure.
The brewers friend calculator says you have abv of somewhere between 16.8% and 18.6% :shock:
The calculator on this site gives a figure of 17%.
1120 implies very little sugar came from the carrots. (1.5kg sugar in 5l should give about 1113)
If the wheat wasn't malted, we can more or less ignore that, though you ought to have taken a gravity reading after adding it.
Anyway, 1120-0992 is 128 points, which if I recall correctly is about 17%, but you diluted it 4 to 4.5... 15% give or take a decimal place or so
Although, what you lost when you strained may not have had much of the alcohol in it, so what you kept could be stronger.
If you mess with the volumes during the process you really need to take readings before and after each step, to calculate accurately.

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