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Jul 28, 2008
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The Emerald Isle
I'm having great difficulty getting my pid controllers to work :cry: I'm gonna post the settings i have in them in the hope that somebody can tell me what i'm doing wrong before i throw the whole box out the window :evil:
inty p100
outy 2
atdu 10
psd 0
rd 0
corf 0
sv 66
ah1 70
ali 69
ah2 63
al2 64
All i am getting is "EEEE"
You haven't connected the Probe correctly.

If its a three wire probe you connect One red Lead to Terminal 6 the other one to terminal 7 and the white to terminal 8 Assuming that the colours are standard and its a SYL1512 PID ;)
If its two wire you connect one wire to 7 and one to 8, and Bridge terminals 6 and 7 with a spare piece of wire

If its the syl2362 then its white to 8 Red to 9 and red to 10
The pid is SET620, it's a hong kong jobbie. The PT100 is a 3 wire one and i think i have it right :roll: the out put to the ssr is in 6&7 and i have the pt100 in 8&9 are red and 10 is white.
The instruction manual is here // The log in details are, tempctrl and the password is goldfish.
Do you have an Avo?

If you do, you need to check the resistance across the terminals 8 and 9 (and 8 and 10) should show just over 100 Ohms (Probably around 106 at room temp) and 9 and 10 should be 0 ohms.

If that is the case and its still reading EEEE, change the inty setting to P10.0 . . . I've got two of these, and I have noticed that the RTD terminals can be a bit temperamental

If that is not the case and you are getting higher readings (like infinity Ohms) then you could have a broken wire (Unlikely), or you've clamped on the insulation (Been there done that)
AT... are you gunna post your pic? :D

make sure you take a pick of which wires are going where cos i'll be getting a couple of those PIDs next year :thumb:
I sure will Stew when it's tidied up a bit, it's all just thrown together for testing right now. Not that i'll tidy it up to much :lol:
I just tested it and the SSR is not driving the element. The light is coming on as if the SSR is driving the element but it seems no power is getting to the element. I tested the element to see if it's working and it is. I really can't understand what i've done wrong :wha: I had a little episode the other day where i blew some fuses in the house and i was worried about the health o the SSRs but if the light is working then i didn't blow it, right? So everything seems to be working but i'm missing something between the SSR and the element :hmm: