Picture thread

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Nov 12, 2012
Reaction score

Inspired by the Do you fit the stereotype thread (viewtopic.php?t=36850)

What would you guys think about starting a picture thread so we can put faces to names? It would be great to see who is at the other end of the keyboard.

Here is one of me:


Im hoping this takes off.... if it doesnt admin please can you shut it down?
Heres me expecting you to be gurning.... love your profile pic.
tbert33 said:
Heres me expecting you to be gurning.... love your profile pic.
Nearly every photo in my phone of me, I'm pulling a stupid face in but I resisted posted any of them lol
fbsf said:
I'm always a little shy of putting me mug on t'internet ('specially on forums where I may spend a little too much time during the working day). My avatar is remarkably accurate though. :cool:

Come on FBSF.... lets see you mug shot lol.

No mate only kidding. If its not for you, its not for you.
this is me with my son ...
3 years ago at his wedding ...


regards mick... :hat: .
Make your own minds up for a caption


but I hadn't just been dropped of from a submarine or helecopter :tongue:

....... but I was on my way to the casino ;)

It's a year old, so my hair is now a fair bit longer and I'm not wearing my specs there, but it's a fair show.
This is the only one I have available to share at the moment
Me at work :D

tbert33 said:

Inspired by the Do you fit the stereotype thread (viewtopic.php?t=36850)

What would you guys think about starting a picture thread so we can put faces to names? It would be great to see who is at the other end of the keyboard.

Here is one of me:


Im hoping this takes off.... if it doesnt admin please can you shut it down?

so which one are you ... :rofl:

put above fire to keep grandkids away lol
son & daughter not amused
artyb said:
tbert33 said:

Inspired by the Do you fit the stereotype thread (viewtopic.php?t=36850)

What would you guys think about starting a picture thread so we can put faces to names? It would be great to see who is at the other end of the keyboard.

Here is one of me:


Im hoping this takes off.... if it doesnt admin please can you shut it down?

so which one are you ... :rofl:

I was going to say the one with the big pair of tits... but luckily my shirt and my little fella disguised them lol