A pub in Bristol is making headlines after an image of its £1.50 cheese and onion rolls went viral.
Landlord Martin Donlin said he sells about two dozens of the rolls every day at the Sugar Loaf in Easton.
An image of the rolls - accompanied by a bottle of salad cream in the background - has attracted tens of thousands of likes and interactions.
Many people commented on the size of the cheese slice, much to Mr Donlin's amusement.
"We are an old-fashioned boozer. All we do is Sunday roasts and rolls," he told BBC Points West.
"It (the reaction) has gone fantastic. It's just a small part of who we are and what we are."
Mr Donlin has been running the pub since 2018 and said he could sell up to 70 rolls on a weekend when local football teams visit after a match.
And while his pub, in St Mark's Road, is having to raise the price of other items like beer - the rolls are set to stay at £1.50-a-pop.
"They are basic sustenance after work and go nicely with a pint of cider," he said.
"They make you more thirsty too."
BBC News.