Remember when many of us wore hand knitted clothes.
The sales rush begins and eager housewives crowd around the counter in a Liverpool wool shop in 1968.
Image credit Corbis Press.
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I once asked my Mam for a bag of rags so that I could get a goldfish like the kid next door.
(*) Looking back, I was probably wearing most of the rags!
Back in the day it started as a skein of wool that youngsters held as Mam turned it into a ball. (My arms and shoulders ache at the memory of sitting there with the skein draped over my wrists!)
The ball of wool then became a sweater (which was pulled down when it was outgrown or holes appeared), then a pullover (ditto above), then a pair of socks (remember how cold those three knitting needles were when you tried them on for size?) or mittens, or gloves, or a scarf, or a hat? (I still hate Tam o’Shanter hats!)
Oh, let’s not forget that most holes were darned. Mam even included a Darning Needle and Mushroom in my Ditty Box when she packed me off to sea!
Happy Days!
The Rag & Bone man didn’t have any goldfish left and gave me a thrupenny bit instead!
I didn’t agree ‘cos I knew I would never see the money again, but he just slammed the back doors of his van shut, said something like “Get used to it.” and drove off.
I handed the money over to my Mam (never to be seen again) and attempted to cut the Rag & Bone man’s head off the next time he came! Long story, probably a bit extreme for a nine year old and anyway, I failed!