Pets sleeping on your bed growing trend...

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Do you allow your pets to sleep on your bed?

  • I let my Dog/Cat sleep on the bed.

  • I do not let my Dog/Cat sleep on the bed.

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When we got ours, we never intended on letting her sleep in the bed. However, the foster owner had let her, so she thought it was her right...on the first time we were adamant that we weren't going to let her, but due to the fact she was an anxious mess and kept barking that first night...we let her because she wouldn't settle. I'm fully aware how bad all of that sounds but she's been a part of the family for 2 and a half years, without it being a problem...

Nowadays, we miss her if she isn't daft as that sounds.
We also have three rabbits who run about the garden with no wish to escape but sleep in a 12*10 shed at night.
I know others that keep these in their bedroom and let them sleep on the bed.
I had a mate a good few years back who had a rabbit as big as terrier and he used to tant the life out with either a big furry snake type draft excluder or one of his monster feet house slippers until the rabbit would jump on top of it and have it's wicked way 😍

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We also have three rabbits who run about the garden with no wish to escape but sleep in a 12*10 shed at night.
I know others that keep these in their bedroom and let them sleep on the bed.
I had a mate a good few years back who had a rabbit as big as terrier and he used to tant the life out with either a big furry snake type draft excluder or one of his monster feet house slippers until the rabbit would jump on top of it and have it's wicked way 😍

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i have a lovely warm butter short crust for any sleepy rabbits to hide under:whistle:
i have a lovely warm butter short crust for any sleepy rabbits to hide under:whistle:
There's enough between the three of mine to feed 12 people.

Sent from my ALE-L21
We used to let the cats sleep in our room as we couldn't put two doors between us and them, they just pulled at the carpet outside our room and howled. They normally slept on the floor but occasionally on the bed. As soon as we moved and had the ability to put two doors between us, no, no and no!
you will when one gets worms from eating dead mice rats and rubs its itchy **** on your pillows :lol:

Our cats have more to worry about what they might catch from me, rather than the other way round. And to those people who keep their pets at arms length and boot them out at night to inflict carnage on wildlife etc, why bother having them at all?
Our cats have more to worry about what they might catch from me, rather than the other way round. And to those people who keep their pets at arms length and boot them out at night to inflict carnage on wildlife etc, why bother having them at all?

like it mate very good, no flies on you:thumb: or is there :-?
Our cats have more to worry about what they might catch from me, rather than the other way round. And to those people who keep their pets at arms length and boot them out at night to inflict carnage on wildlife etc, why bother having them at all?

We have a cat flap in the shed but as i said only one will go in as they do not get on very well the other roams, hunts or sleeps somewhere else.

I found this -


So it can seem like a wise idea to let your cat out at night, or even shut him or her out. It is a cat’s natural instinct to hunt for food, after all. “Cats benefit from access to the great outdoors. They can explore new things in a changing environment, fulfill their natural instincts and get exercise,” says Claire Bessant, chief executive of the charity International Cat Care (formerly the Feline Advisory Bureau).
We have a cat flap in the shed but as i said only one will go in as they do not get on very well the other roams, hunts or sleeps somewhere else.

I found this -


So it can seem like a wise idea to let your cat out at night, or even shut him or her out. It is a cat’s natural instinct to hunt for food, after all. “Cats benefit from access to the great outdoors. They can explore new things in a changing environment, fulfill their natural instincts and get exercise,” says Claire Bessant, chief executive of the charity International Cat Care (formerly the Feline Advisory Bureau).

yes its not natural for them to sit under cars , **** and ****e on my veg beds and get squashed on the main road, personally cats are for farm and country abodes not estate houses and flats. has you say they need space to live to there natural instincts , not a basket and a radiator,
yes its not natural for them to sit under cars , **** and ****e on my veg beds and get squashed on the main road, personally cats are for farm and country abodes not estate houses and flats. has you say they need space to live to there natural instincts , not a basket and a radiator,

That was Claire Bessant, chief executive of the charity International Cat Care (formerly the Feline Advisory Bureau). not me.

You could say the same about dogs when an owner says i am taking the dog for a walk at 10 o'clock at night what they really mean is i am taking the dog for its last s**t of the day as i don't want to get up in the morning and have to clean up after it, i had to let my last Springers go to a new home as i didn't have time to exercise it properly due to work dogs need a hell of a lot of walking not just a 5 minute walk round the block to empty themselves.
My house backs on to a major hospital and the amount of cats that roam around is unreal.
Good thing is that there's no worries about rat's.

Sent from my ALE-L21
My house backs on to a major hospital and the amount of cats that roam around is unreal.
Good thing is that there's no worries about rat's.

Sent from my ALE-L21

Over the years i have noticed there seems to be a lot less dogs around here and a lot more cats, i guess as many parents both work cats are easier to look after because they go in a tray and sleep most of the time also maybe like me they do not fancy picking up after a dog.

Before someone has a go i admire dog owners that do clean up after their dog . :lol:
We have a cat flap in the shed but as i said only one will go in as they do not get on very well the other roams, hunts or sleeps somewhere else.

I found this -


So it can seem like a wise idea to let your cat out at night, or even shut him or her out. It is a cat’s natural instinct to hunt for food, after all. “Cats benefit from access to the great outdoors. They can explore new things in a changing environment, fulfill their natural instincts and get exercise,” says Claire Bessant, chief executive of the charity International Cat Care (formerly the Feline Advisory Bureau).

We've got a cat-flap but to be honest the hospitality is so extreme that they're not all that bothered about going out anymore, except to take a squirt or a dump... I won't have a litter tray in the house! God I hope I'm reincarnated as one of our cats, I could do with an easy ride after the toil of this one!
We've got a cat-flap but to be honest the hospitality is so extreme that they're not all that bothered about going out anymore, except to take a squirt or a dump... I won't have a litter tray in the house! God I hope I'm reincarnated as one of our cats, I could do with an easy ride after the toil of this one!

Get the furry f**kers on a tread mill. and trained to use the bog, :thumb:
We've got a cat-flap but to be honest the hospitality is so extreme that they're not all that bothered about going out anymore, except to take a squirt or a dump... I won't have a litter tray in the house! God I hope I'm reincarnated as one of our cats, I could do with an easy ride after the toil of this one!

One of the conditions when we got the first cat was i do not clean out the cat tray (i hated cats but Mrs Tea wore me down) she agreed and i found the cat quite amusing and as you know they are not as cold as people make out (you know the haters say - "they only come home for food and a s**t") we then got another and it all went **** up, the first cat hated the new one even though it was a kitten and it took a couple of years for them to even be in the same room, they still dont like each other but now tolerate each other (just)
We had a cat called 'Yosser' can imagine what he was like!

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