I wrote to my MP regarding this just over a couple of weeks ago. I'm yet to receive a response. This is the first time I've ever written to my MP, do any of you guys know if I should expect a response and if I don't get one, should I chase him up?
From what I understand (and maybe @Hoddy can confirm or deny) it's a cliff edge. So as soon as a brewer makes 1 litre over 5000 HL they pay 25% reduced duty rates on all production. The system does have some flaws and SIBA has advised on a new system which promoted growth for all brewerIf you're between 5,000hl and 30,000hl, you still get the benefit of the 50% relief on the first 5,000hl
From what I understand (and maybe @Hoddy can confirm or deny) it's a cliff edge. So as soon as a brewer makes 1 litre over 5000 HL they pay 25% reduced duty rates on all production. The system does have some flaws and SIBA has advised on a new system which promoted growth for all brewer
If the production figure is not more than 5,000 hectolitres, the reduced rate is 50% of the standard rate. Where the reduced rate results in part pennies, it must always be rounded up to the nearest penny.
If the production figure exceeds 5,000 hectolitres but does not exceed 30,000 hectolitres, you’ll need to calculate the reduced rate using the following formula:
GP - 2,500 (hectolitres) × the standard rate
Where GP = the actual or deemed production in the previous calendar year (or the current year’s estimated production for brewers who only started production in the current year).
For example, if you produced or were deemed to have produced 7,569 hectolitres of small brewery beer in the previous calendar year (or current years estimated production for brewers who only started production in the current year). If the standard rate of duty is £19.08, your reduced rate would be calculated as follows:
7,569 - 2,500 × 19.08 = a reduced rate of £12.78
Your duty rate in the current calendar year would, therefore, be £12.78.
in short no as he feeds off of volume sales breweries that have economies of scale so he can hoover up discount cask beer to sell for pittance.Serious question. Would it be in Wetherspoons interest for it to succeed?
So the "argument" that the larger regional brewers have is that the micros have a financial competitive advantage over them as they get little to no relief. However when you look at the economies of scale that they enjoy, Timmy taylor, Hogs Back, marstons etc the playing field is pretty level. You can see allot more information here Beer NouveauAt the risk of involving myself in the detail of something I know nothing about, this is from Excise Notice 226:
So having re-read this, there is a cliff edge effect as you only deduct 2,500hl rather than the full 5,000. So that one additional litre effectively results in back-paying duty on half of your previous production.
That said, reducing the levels and smoothing the curve is likely to have a similar answer, only introducing the duty to those below 5,000hl too.
I would be interested to understand how the reforms result in larger breweries paying less duty.
Yes you most certainly should get a response and if you don't rip him off a piece of your mind remind the over-privileged parasite that he or she is working for you and you expect them to do their job which doesn't include propping up a bar (even the vastly over subsidised bars and restaurants in Westminster) or inspecting every golf club within a hundred mile radius.I wrote to my MP regarding this just over a couple of weeks ago. I'm yet to receive a response. This is the first time I've ever written to my MP, do any of you guys know if I should expect a response and if I don't get one, should I chase him up?
So the "argument" that the larger regional brewers have is that the micros have a financial competitive advantage over them as they get little to no relief.
I know it is shocking.Whilst I agree with everything you're saying above, this is the comment that stands out most. This is the very reason for introducing the relief, i.e. to help out the smaller brewers, so to argue this is unfair is just going back to square one.
I needn't tell you how much is annoys me that Hog's Back are caught up in this.
Ah ok, I understand now. Still seems like a strange way to do it instead of a progressive taxation.At the risk of involving myself in the detail of something I know nothing about, this is from Excise Notice 226:
So having re-read this, there is a cliff edge effect as you only deduct 2,500hl rather than the full 5,000. So that one additional litre effectively results in back-paying duty on half of your previous production.
That said, reducing the levels and smoothing the curve is likely to have a similar answer, only introducing the duty to those below 5,000hl too.
I would be interested to understand how the reforms result in larger breweries paying less duty.
Ah ok, I understand now. Still seems like a strange way to do it instead of a progressive taxation.
You just have to share it with everyone you know with the threat of "you will have to drink boring brown beer if this goes through" if you don't sign the petition.Signed,
20672 signatures.
Still needs a lot more - How can we make this viral?
Do CAMRA know/are they doing something about it?