Pet hates and food

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I can get behind that combo. Ketchup and me are still best friends when it comes to chips/fries.
On the bright side, mayonnaise has zero carbohydrates as does hard liquor which I always thought a nice bonus even though I don't drink it.
I only ever put red sauce (ketchup or red ding if your from Derry) on wheelers chips no other chips entice me to cover them in it and I hate the smell of it if anyone else puts it on anything near me . No one on here will make any sense of that reference apart from @samale or @Gerryjo
Salad Cream. Something which I believe our Michigan correspondent will be unfamiliar with, is the most disgusting concoction known to man. It’s like puréed vomit.
And crab, my wife loves it but even the smell of it makes me gag.
My favourite is a slow roast lamb shoulder.
Salad Cream. Something which I believe our Michigan correspondent will be unfamiliar with, is the most disgusting concoction known to man. It’s like puréed vomit.
And crab, my wife loves it but even the smell of it makes me gag.
My favourite is a slow roast lamb shoulder.

Oh wow I love it, slathered all over my spag bol - this is why I need to lose some weight 😂
Salad Cream. Something which I believe our Michigan correspondent will be unfamiliar with, is the most disgusting concoction known to man. It’s like puréed vomit.
Or lathered on a bacon cob. Mmmmm. Also have fond memories dipping crisps into salad cream when I was much younger.
As for bacon generally when I (or most Brits) say bacon it means back bacon (not sure if this has a different name in the USA).

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That looks outstanding. We don’t have back bacon here in the USA. Those who make eggs Benedict here would typically use a slice of ham. Strips of thin bacon would be unusual but I would find tolerable. I love a good Hollandaise.

My peeves are sandwiches that completely fall apart as soon as you touch them. And when you are served a beer in a frozen mug. That drives me nuts. Big problems here in the USA.
I am all over that. Crispy roll lashings of proper butter, dipping into the soup at a wedding. 8 pints deep with the soup dripping all over your tie.
Brilliant 😆
I feel quite sad at that. You only get soup and crispy bread rolls at weddings.
I didn’t realise you were that poor.
Off food and on to pet hates. Upside down Union Flag (Jack). Being a Welshman with a strong Irish heritage, the Union Flag has never invoked any strong feelings of pride or patriotism in me. However I understand that it does with a lot of people, which is fine. But at least if it does, then learn which way up it goes. So many times you see pictures of ‘Ing-ger-lund‘ football supporters and far right mouth breathers who all claim to be proud patriots displaying flags that they’re clueless about. The year BC (before covid) I went to the Pembrokeshire County show and the British army had a stand there. And even they were flying it upside down until I pointed it out and they changed it pretty swiftly.
I only ever put red sauce (ketchup or red ding if your from Derry) on wheelers chips no other chips entice me to cover them in it and I hate the smell of it if anyone else puts it on anything near me . No one on here will make any sense of that reference apart from @samale or @Gerryjo
Hahahaha red sauce I never bother with but now HP brown in stew like your Ma makes and a fry mmmmm
Another and this is a big one:
Ice cream used to come in a half-gallon container. The makers have shrunk the size down to 1.5 quarts. Just raise the darn price and don't try to fool people.
Ice cream related: A popular brand here, Breyer's, started adding that thickener to it. I took one bite and could tell it wasn't straight ice cream anymore. Mad.