is this the same?
Hey guys. Interesting thread. I too am looking at upgrading.
Can I clarify please...
With the peco heat the water to the desired temp.
Mash in the same boiler..remove the grains then boil in the same boiler...
Pretty much the same as I do on the hob.
Is that right?
is this the same?
I've got the HBC peco and hop strainer and I'm very happy with them. When I ordered I put the name of the AG kit as a comment in the text box, as instructed on the website, so I wasn't charged for it. One tip I picked up for it here, after the hop strainer got blocked, is to put it in at a 90 degree angle, so with it going to the side and not straight down. I haven't had a blockage since doing this.
Thanks for the detailed reply :
How easy was it to fit a second element? Is there an online thread/description/video etc. to show this? I think it would be a good investment to shorten brewdays. I'd also be tempted to fit a different ball lock valve as I've read the taps are a bit flimsy.
Also, why do you think the digital thermostat isn't required?
whoop whoop.
just ordered the peco boiler kit,hop strainer. �ã5 discount and delivery included,,
Now i can screw up on a larger scale !!!!!
Did you buy the false bottom?
If not, consider it for a future purchase as it has made a decent difference to clarity for me.
You won't regret it btw and you'll never go back to can kits (I've a can kit sitting with my brewing stock that's a year out of date now)
ive only ever done one kit, wasnt impressed, i have a 18ltr pan ive been using but again its a lot of work, and the larger the brew the longer it takes, ie heat up and cool down. i was just looking at the cooler but at that price i can do a proper size brew,
didnt get the false bottom as it was from a different site and postage ups the cost,but i will do,
i did by the strainer though,, would i benefit from both?
ive only ever done one kit, wasnt impressed, i have a 18ltr pan ive been using but again its a lot of work, and the larger the brew the longer it takes, ie heat up and cool down. i was just looking at the cooler but at that price i can do a proper size brew,
didnt get the false bottom as it was from a different site and postage ups the cost,but i will do,
i did by the strainer though,, would i benefit from both?