Today was the day! I am taking the last of the previous year's leave over Easter, so had the house to myself today for just long enough to do this second Parti-gyle.
In the FV's I have a Barley Wine at 1.075 for 10L, to which I am planning to add homemade Golden syrup on the fourth day (Monday) which contains around 500g of cane sugar.
Also a Stout at 1.061 and 27L. This had 1kg of DME added as well as the 500g of Dark Sugar.
Otherwise, the recipes are very much as outlined above and the yeast is a re-used US05. Both had 25g Warrior / Admiral 14.5% or so Alphas and 25g EKG towards the end.
After watching @David_Heath videos in the meantime, since the last Parti-gyle,I got much better efficiencies today. More like the usual 75%, maybe even slightly more. This was by mashing in for 35 mins altogether, then doing a big stir up at 30 mins on the first mash.
Another good move was doing the addition of water, post the pump out of 12L for the BW, as an underletting. This just means sticking a funnel in the central overflow pipe and pouring 12L of water down it. This made getting the second mash going properly very easy.
Last trick was to cold steep the dark grains of 800g or so in 2.5L of water overnight. I heated the mixture up to about 70C on the stove and strained the grains using a nylon paint strainer bag for part of the "top-up" water and then dunk sparged the dark grains in both the top-up water and the sparge water for the main mash. A lot of to-ing and fro-ing this entailed, but it did mean that I never had more than 7kg in the actual grain basket.
The plan of doing both boils outside the GF, and using it for just the mashing and cooling, went a bit astray when I had an issue with the power supply in the PECO boiler. Had to do the last bit of the boil on the Stout in the GF. That was today's only glitch!
From mash in to finishing the clean-up afterwards was just under 7 hours, which was about as expected.
I did spend (waste?) hours thinking about how to do these brews, so was delighted the moment the second airlock was fitted.