Overstocked Anyone?

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Jan 15, 2014
Reaction score
Texas, USA
I've been sitting on the ingredients to make my reknowned honey wheat as I found my bottle storage area (the length of our long walk-in closet) was flooded despite overlapped beers (I place my four 12 packs and extras in a 6 pack in a longways row keeping them separated by style, but placed the few I had of styles together in a row).

This problem arose from having moved away from my neighbors who graciously came by to try out my latest few brews. My new neighbors just aren't quite as outgoing, though I finally got 2 of them to drink with me.

We invited the newest neighbors to the lakefront to try out all that I had, and were pleased to find that it was better than I made it sound as I don't make mine out to be the greatest thing ever, but that most is just average and could potentially sit on the shelf among typical beers with few ever being the much sought after brews such as Pliny or some such, and with a few that are less than stellar.

I was given a complement on them, and was even told how his wife will typically get a headache after just a few commercial beers (BMC mostly), but that mine didn't despite having had more than just a few.

I was also pleasantly surprised that he was straight forward, for the most part, with how he felt about my beers. I usually have to tell people they won't hurt my feelings and make me cry, that not every style is for everyone.

I've discussed having all of our neighbors over for my smoked burgers (yep, I slow cook them over mesquite and hickory) and beer. I think it's important to know your neighbors well and do more than say hi once in a while. We don't have family or many friends here, the neighbors I mentioned don't either, and the other fellow who has stopped by once is older. Never know when you may need a little help with something.

Here's to neighbors who'll help you drink enough beer you don't get backed up!