Overflowing fermenter

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Active Member
Mar 16, 2011
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Hi All,

I started making a new brew a couple of days ago. Pitched yeast on Monday, got home frmo work on Tuesday to find the lid half off and foam spewing out of the fermenting vessel. Clearly I'd filled the fermenter too full. Will learn my lesson for next time but question is, am I going to get an infection or do you think I will be ok?? :pray:

Thanks, James
Most probably OK - it's common for lids to crack open durng fermentation, dont forget there are commercial brewers who ferment in open baths :thumb:
It will be fine, all the time stuff is coming out nothing is going in.

A good overflow is a good sign, it means your fermenting is going well.
how about this one we saw at the church end brewery.... :party:
its all part of the process ;)

graysalchemy said:
Didn't any of you think of scooping some up before you came home :hmm: :hmm:
Yes, but I asked what they use and it's all just Nottingham.
My Chimay yeast went off like that the other week, and the Westmalle yeast last week followed suit. I top-cropped and dumped the FVs in a bath of cold water to gain control of the temperature again, then fitted blowoff tubes and catchpots. I had just 15 litres of wort in each FV, but they went off like animals.
I had exactly the same problem yesterday with a Cooper's Real Ale brew. About 18 hours after pitching the yeast, the foam started coming out of the airlock, then it forced it's way out of the lid.


It was looking more like Gandalf's beard last night (no photo, unfortunately) but it's all calmed down a bit today.

I've made this brew before without incident using 1kg of white, granulated cane sugar, but this time around I used 750g of sugar together with 500g of light spraymalt.

I can't be sure if it was the change in fermentables that prompted the vigorous fermentation or if was the unusually high outside temperature of over 25 degrees, but it certainly was impressive!
luckyeddie said:
My Chimay yeast went off like that the other week, and the Westmalle yeast last week followed suit. I top-cropped and dumped the FVs in a bath of cold water to gain control of the temperature again
Can you explain top cropping please, I've just tried a forum search and found a few references to doing it, but nothing to explain what or how.
She's gonna blow!!!!!!


This was the first time using fresh yeast from a local micro brewery, it went mental!

Oh, it turned out great, this was the coconut porter.