Over a month in primary! Argh!

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Jun 8, 2011
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Sorry to start another thread about this, but I'm really worried about all this beer (2 5 gallon batches of IPA).

They've been in there for over a month (15th Jan)! Is this okay!?

The boiler broke part way through the ferment, and I left it for a week before dropping aquarium heaters in there trying to get it going again. Now the boilers been back on for a few days, and there beer is still at 1020.

What can I do? Is it ruined for being in there so long?
Don't worry about it being in there for 4 weeks I usually give all my beers 3 weeks in the FV. There is a thread i think in the 'how to' section of the forum on restarting a stuck fermentation have a look at that which gives a few different methods.

How cold did the ambient temp get when the boiler broke? If the brew was already mid ferment it will have been keeping itself a bit warmer but when it got colder the yeast will have slowed.
It got pretty cold, maybe as low as 10 degrees in here, no heating whatsoever for a good week or two.

They did start fairly high gravity wise I suppose.

The one I didn't dry hop, looks like this, which is new. Has it gone moldy on top or something? That wasn't there a day or two ago. It's like a white bubbly film.


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