Open brewday 25/07/10

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:cool: great stuff boys - looks like an excellent brew, where is the team photo? MD and evanvine are recognisible was eddie hiding from the camera?
I wish more brewers from the southwest were on the forum I can think of nothing better than a brewday with friends, food and beer tasting :clap: :clap: :clap:
rickthebrew said:
:cool: great stuff boys - looks like an excellent brew, where is the team photo? MD and evanvine are recognisible was eddie hiding from the camera?
I wish more brewers from the southwest were on the forum I can think of nothing better than a brewday with friends, food and beer tasting :clap: :clap: :clap:
Look for my feet when Nick was doughing in I was too busy creaming over the shiney he had in the corner :pray: :whistle:
Sorry Ed I didn't realise I had missed you out. Next week I'll get one of you doughing in all 27Kg of that grain!!! and not looking happy! :lol:
muddydisco said:
Sorry Ed I didn't realise I had missed you out. Next week I'll get one of you doughing in all 27Kg of that grain!!! and not looking happy! :lol:
Its ok mate I'll get a pick of you trying to carry the FV when full of the brew :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Sorry i couldnt make it mate, i was well gutted. But the good news is Lisa started to feel better around 3 oclock. And she felt that guilty about me missing your brew-day, she let me get one done.
Many thanks for an excellent day Nic, I really enjoyed it!
Both you and Sarah made Eric most welcome, he would have been on his own for 10 hrs if I hadn't brought him.
Interesting that nothing went wrong, apart from having another BHE of over 100%.
Will let you know when I'm harvesting my grapes, Sarah will be most welcome.
2 packets of W34/70 yeast was pitched this morning around 8 am @ 15 c got home tonight to see 2" of head on it. Has now gone in the Fermentor cupboard @ 8c, there she will stay for long time to come :D Have run some temp tests on the cupboard and with a addition of a fan it's cooling to -4c so perfect for Largering @ -1 or -2c :D
It's why we are all here isn't it, to meet up and have fun, Some poeple are worried who they may meet but really were all the same, all here for the same goals making dam good beer! Really I wish I could meet everyone on here.
Well 2 weeks on this is still fermenting nicely @ 10c down to 1.030 from 1.053 lovely 1" head still on it.
Is this about right for a lager at these temps as I haven't done one before :?:
I'm known for being different Eric! ;)
I don't have kids, I have 2 Jack russells, my pets are lizards and my wife drinks real ale by the pint and also likes stouts.
muddydisco said:
I'm known for being different Eric! ;)
I don't have kids, I have 2 Jack russells, my pets are lizards and my wife drinks real ale by the pint and also likes stouts.
And why not?
We all need to make a statement somewhere!
Right it's nearly fermented waiting for the last few points now it's down to 1.010, I'm bringing the temp back up to 18-20 for a Diacetyl rest hopefully it'll knock of the last few points then. Then into the freezer at -1c for a lagering.
I understand why I don't do lager now :lol:
Got to try it before knocking it :thumb:

I think pale ales are the only one's I shall be doing again unless I love this stuff :cool: