oops i forgot it !

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New Member
Oct 23, 2009
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I have done a few lager kits with some sucsess but the one i am doing at the moment i forgot about. So instead of being in the barrel for about 5 to 10 days it was in for about 15 days.
I checked it last night and it looked really dodgy (creamy floaty wierd stuff floating on top) !!!!!! does that mean its knackerd and only good for the garden or would it still be ok to bottle.
any advise would be great and i think i know the anwser but got to ask as watering the grass with 5 gallons of lager will make me cry :(
Cheers :cheers:
Draw some off using something that you have cleaned and sanitised and taste it. You will know pretty quickly if something is wrong. Let us know what you can taste :thumb:
i just syphoned a little off out of the middle of the barrel as for some reason some of the yeast is still floating about !
it tastes reasonable but warm and flat so would not like to maney pints of it !.
the flavour is there but wife would not try it as she says its up to me to be ill :lol:
Do you have a hydrometer? Have you checked the readings? Where are you fermenting and what are the temperatures like?

If it's in a garage or shed, it likely the lower temps at this time of year are prolonging the fermentation period, meaning it hasn't finished yet. More info please...
Ok, so it doesn't taste nasty and doesn't taste sweet. Check the gravity as commsbiff suggests and if that look ok then I say keg it - you have nothing to lose. If you plan on bottling it then you will have to decide whether the effort of bottling is worth it in case it has gone pear shaped.