oops bunged up

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Sep 2, 2014
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i didnt realise that some djs had a bigger opening than others,

bottled off some wine to djs, gave the bungs a thump and this happened


it wont budge, ive tried levering it but theres nothing to get hold of.

any ideas, other than a corkscrew

both excellent ideas, but for future what can i do, chuck the dj or widen the bung {drill a hole 3/4 of the way down and inset a plastic rod to push its shape out }

You can always buy a larger size bung, type rubber bung into ebay and there are a lot of different sizes available for scientific stuff.
both excellent ideas, but for future what can i do, chuck the dj or widen the bung {drill a hole 3/4 of the way down and inset a plastic rod to push its shape out }

What do you use the solid rubber bungs for?
i didnt realise that some djs had a bigger opening than others,

bottled off some wine to djs, gave the bungs a thump and this happened


it wont budge, ive tried levering it but theres nothing to get hold of.

any ideas, other than a corkscrew


I have a DJ which fits just the same as this. Next time, don't use a solid bung - fit a bubbler airlock. Then, when you need to remove it, ease in a thin blade knife and apply a little sidewards pressure to the bubbler.