Onion for earache??

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Jan 20, 2013
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OK, so I'm waiting for my brew to brew before I compose more Bacchanalian posts, so in the meantime I'll just whitter on here if you don't mind.

Now, further to my turmeric cure-all, onion is also a fantasic ingredient. My little girl, who is 4, was up late into the night crying with ear pain.Obviously we gave her Calpol (the greatest kiddie cure-all ever!) but the pain was so bad she was just weeping, and we were at a loss.

I remembered my gran going on about the benefits of onion, she still does, she smokes as much as she pleases, likes a drink, she's over 80 and doesn't go to the doctor, she'll just eat a raw onion like you would an apple if she feels peaky!! Anyway I got a slice of onion gave it 10secs in the microwave, made sure it wasn't too hot and put it up against my girls ear, and gently massaged it, pulling the lobe away from the head and getting her to swallow at the same time. The theory being that the onion helps to loosen the fluid in the ear, and pulling the lobe and swallowing helps to disperse it, I'm sure you can google it.

The result - quicker than you read this missive my little girl was calm, not crying, and said her ear felt better, after that she slept through the night before we took her to the docs in the morn and got some antib's :)
Hi never heard of it personally but it worked :thumb: I know garlic is a mild antiseptic and their the same family (allum) so probably works the same way (nothing like a child in pain to focus the mind)!
You can use onions like this for a number of things I believe. Infact there are many foods that help different illnesses. Kiwi Fruit is very good at stabalising blood sugar levels so good for diabetics, Garlic is a blood cleanser. You can use a combineation of garlic and probiotic natural yoghurt to treat fungal infections.

I am far from an expert but the list is endless.
Oh yeah, don't get me started on the benefits of chilli, garlic and ginger.

I have film by a guy called Les Blanc called Garlic is as Good as Ten Mothers. It's ace, he also made one called The Blues According To Lightning Hopkins, for any blues afficionados out there it's as good as anything put out by Alan Lomax
My oldest son gets really blocked ears that are sometimes painful so I might give that a shot next time, I use a drop of warm almond oil in his lug hole but it kinda makes things worse for a little bit and that panics him, it's horrible when the wee ones aren't well makes you feel helpless, glad she's better now though :-D
You know whats good for a hangover....?? Drinking heavily the night before :)

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