on the rocks cider question

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New Member
Apr 17, 2013
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hi im making some on the rocks mixed berries cider, and ive bought a home brew kit off a company on ebay, which comes with everything i need.

my problem is i dont have a second container to add the flavour mix and sugar for primimg. the fv has a bottling tap at the bottom and i presume this would be perfect if i didnt need to add the flavour mix and sugar and mix well as it would kick up all the sediment off the bottom when doing this.

is there a way i can add the flavour mix to the original fv and mix in and let it settle down again(any idea how long this would take?) then add sugar direct to bottle for priming.

or could i transfer the cider to a second fv, rinse out the sediment from the orignal fv with bottling tap and then pour the cider back into the fv ready for bottling?

I'd recommend buying a cheapo container to drain you cider into cleaning the fv then adding it back to batch prime and stuff.

I have a few spare Demi's I'm going to syphon mines into so I can clean my fv :P