Oh no, looks bad!

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Jan 2, 2021
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Herne Bay, Kent
Emergency help please, about to bottle my raspberry wheat beer and it has developed a weird white head over the two days since I last checked the FG!
Is it ruined before I fill 45 bottles I’ve spent hours cleaning and sterilising?
Looks like a pellicle to me. Depending on which it is you can sometimes syphon below the pellicle and it may be ok.
I know this sounds gross but syphon a little off from below with a wine thief and if it tastes good I would bottle but be careful with the last bottles not to get any in.
It tastes ok, so if I'm careful siphoning (without disturbing the film) from the bottom and leave a good few inches a waste I can do that. I'll decant into another bucket before bottling so least chance of mixing it up while moving bottles etc. Read a few threads and it doesn't sound dangerous to drink just randomly changes the flavor? Any last advise before I pull the trigger?????
No but if you have a plastic bottle fill one so you can keep an eye on any possible over carbing which could mean a infection not that I think it is anything to worry about. Lets us know how it goes.