O2 Regulator for Co2?

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Feb 24, 2009
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A mate has offered me a gas regulator for carbonating my kegs with Pub gas (fingers crossed picking some up tomorrow) and he said it has been used for co2 cylinders. Went around to pick it up today and it has OXYGEN in big letters emblazoned on it. It's a BOC twin gauge regulator and if he says it has been used for co2 then I'm not going to call him a liar...my question really is how safe it is?
It will be fine but you need to change the LP gauge as the steps are too much, you can get a 0-1.6 bar gauge from RS and an adaptor from 1/4-1/8 for small money, I use the same
I'll see what I can bodge up with the camera. I also thought it wouldn't fit but like I said he claims it has been used for co2. I say he's a mate but a friend put him in touch with me as I've been a bit of a pest since I got into brewing and now whenever some hears about something Beer related I get a phone call or a text asking if I want it.
Thanks James and Bru. Here are the pictures, not the best quality but then I've no talent for photography whatsoever.

These are the connectors...


And the current gauges...


Thanks again!
The mating connector with the cylinder looks ok (from memory).

The reason stuff is labelled oxygen so specifically is because it has to be really, really clean with no trace of combustible contaminants.

We used to have to trike wash everything that was ever going to come into contact with pure oxygen.
Nice one lads so far so free! I'm going to get some gas from a Calor supplier tomorrow and hoping it will be a smooth transaction but I've read some annoying stories about needing a van for pickup, commercial only worries yada yada. Will try with the cylinder then regardless and let you know how I get on. Had the current beer in primary for 8 days now and no secondary to put it into as it's in use. First time with Pub Gas so I've been hanging on till I pick up the regulator before transferring over. I do have a mixed gas reg funnily enough so I was thinking worst comes to worst and I pay a bit extra for mixed gas but go for a low nitrogen mix.

Congrats to Bru!

Got the Co2 cylinder this afternoon and came home to gas up the Keg...The connector won't fit! Is this a lost cause or can I get the necessary connector to screw on in place of the existing one picture above? Is this what you were getting at earlier Bru because if so it went over my head!
Yeah the threads are incompatible as it's an Oxygen bottle male going into the Co2 bottle female. I've just been scouting around for an adaptor but nothing has been thrown up so far. Will check those links out cheers Trunky.
I am sure that an Argon to CO2 Adaptor will change the sex, it's the thread size I am less sure about.
Yep. I was thinking about an argon connector last night instead of CO2 :oops:

I'm still not so sure that the thread size will fit.

They're all made incompatible for a reason...