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Jul 28, 2008
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It's been 3 weeks since i brewed last. I know, i know. I've got a bit slack. But i was doing other stuff and i ran out of grain. I've reversed the run out of grain thing. I now have 100kg of MO sitting in my brewery. That should keep me going for a couple of weeks. I've also got a **** load of other grain too. So no excuse to not brew like a demon in the coming weeks. :D

I really enjoyed my NZPA so i thought i'd get stuck into a modified version. I dumped the pils and used all MO. I also replaced the Carapils with malted wheat. I had no-where near the amount of original hops i used so i winged it with my now decreasing vat of NZhops. One of the reasons i like brewing so much is the ability to just swap things about. None of my brews have ever been rubbish-except some 'clone recipes' i've tried.


6kg MO
200g Malted Wheat
200g Amber Malt
Mash for 90 mins at 67C
FWH-20g Sticklebract
90 min-10g Sticklebract
15 min-20g Green Bullet
Steep 40g Nelson Sauvin
1tsp Irish Moss

Yeast-London III

I mashed in with 15L liquor. 90 mins later i was sparging. 2 hrs later i had collected 32L of 1044. I collected a further 5L of 1022 wort. I will use this to start off yeasts. It's currently being frozen in PET's. After a 90 min boil i shut off the IC at 85C and added the steep hops. This brings the temp down to bang on 80C. After 20 mins the IC gets turned on again and 20 mins later my wort is at 20C. It then got poured into my FV and transfered to my fermenting room. Yeast was added and the airlock got a splash of vodka. It's now resting behind me. I expect it to be going off by the morning. :D

As i'm virtually out of beer i'm getting up at 5am and firing up the HLT. I will be able to get a brew on before the missus even wakes. :cool: I want to get 100L brewed this week to help me catch up. Plus i'm keen to have a go at some new recipes i've come up with and i've got 16 PET bottles with yeast in in my fridge and i need to make some space for some more. :lol:
nice one MEB :thumb: hope it goes well and those stocks get back up to a decent level again :D
Bugger, bugger, bugger. The hot water cylinder in one of my holiday rentals started leaking-directly where all the electric's go in. :nono: So i've spent the entire day removing old cylinder, finding out new ones are now 500mm diameter(old one was 430mm) and $1000! New one has been 'persuaded' to fit into a hole smaller than itself and re-plumbed in. I've gotta fill it up tomorrow and wire it up. So much for getting a sneaky brew in today. :hmm:

Life would be so much easier if i only needed 1hr of sleep per day. :roll:
That is a bugger... at least the brew went smoothly :cool:
I racked this brew into a cornie today. Filled 3 bottles as well. :cool: Had a sneaky taster and it's bloody good already. Lots of berry and floral aroma's and tastes flooding out of it. Can't wait to get stuck in. Gonna leave this one to condition properly though. Last time it didn't even see week three and this time it tastes even better from the word go.

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