Now that wasn't so hard, was it? Congratulations!
For a first time that was a pretty good run!
For a first time that was a pretty good run!
It had me really worried for a while but has been a great beer sinceI’ve used the mangrove jacks California yeast a few times, i can’t remember what one it was exactly? But it’s perfectly normal to see yeast sitting on the top of the krausen and the FV as its a top fermenting yeast. Ive done a few Cali commons with this one and they turned out perfect after conditioning for a few weeks. That much so, I have another in my FV at the moment ; ) happy brewing, it looks as though you’re brewing some great beers
Yeah me too, i was using my fermzillas so i could see exactly what was going on. But now using ss fermenters I don’t get to see that? Keep us updated on your brewing journey, as i found it a great read ; )It had me really worried for a while but has been a great beer since
About 23l a brew at the moment with my large pot, but I have a smaller pot I used to do 12l brews in. The large pot would probably let me brew up to about 40l if I wanted, but it's just not logistically possible. At the moment I have a bit more time on my hands, but in future I'll likely have to go back to the smaller pot, as the bigger takes so much longer to reach a boil.Out of interest what is your volume of beer
Last Friday I managed to crack on with 23l of lager (95% lager malt with 5% Vienna), pitched at 13degrees, using M84 yeast. I used mandarina bavaria as both for both bittering and aroma. I was considering dry hoping with another 50g of the same, or adding some Mandarin/tangerine orange zest to the beer whilst fermenting, but in the end I decided against it. With so few posts on the forum about the posts I'd rather split the batch into 2 5l demijohns and add zest then, bottling and leaving to lager in bottles the rest.
With the weather being so cold now I take the lager out of my brew fridge and store in the unheated spair room, that's at about 16degrees.
With the lager out the way, I've an empty brew fridge crying out to be used. Having recently fallen in love with Titanics Plum Porter, I decided to brew @Hazelwood Brewery version, with some slight malt tweeks.
Brew day was pretty smooth, having weighed out all grain and water the night before. I even attempted heating my mash with my inkbird. Unfortunately with the lag between the induction hob and the inkbird I overshot my target temp, fortunately the heater was only set to 65, so once I added the grain it only meant a small wait to start the mash.
Mash and boil went well, if only more of a pain now with Brewfather not letting me add further batches without upgrading to premium.
Getting the wort down to temp was far easier with such cold weather, after using the immersion cooler to about 50degrees, I left my pot to cool outside without much hassle at all.
Taking my SG once cooled I've overshot my target by 2points, even when my efficiency was set to 75%.
Now the wort is in the fridge falling those last few degrees, before I pitched a large starter, now I just need to get on and order the plum essence.
Ever considered using Cherry in stead of the plum? I'm considering ordering bothFor me the “Special Ingredients” plum flavour is best. I believe 0.5ml/litre is a good dose rate. I hope you enjoy it. Good luck!![]()
Ever considered using Cherry in stead of the plum? I'm considering ordering both