Anyone read 1984? The idea of an immortal and faceless enemy keeps us (the mindless masses) all scared so that we will stay home and consume and allow our governments and the powers that be continue to control us and "protect" us.
For a while we had "the war on terror" where Osama played the hidden henchman of evil, they (the international totalitarian government) got either bored of that one or realised that loads of people weren't buying it (we all know what happened to him!) :lol: So they're trying a new one, goading NK into creating a nuclear "crisis" so that once again we can all put our heads in the sand and hope and pray for "them" to protect us!
The general trend of this thread though shows that we're all not buying their ******** anymore, we can see through their lies...
Oh and we can do something about it (i.e. the west's so called powerless citizens), it will however mean a serious change in our lifestyles which I don't think many people are ready for yet...wait a few more years though and when the banks and corporations start charging you for the air you breath...then maybe people will start to do something about it...
Anyway better log off now before I get charged with inciting civil disobedience and sent off to Guantanamo for a good telling off!