non-alcoholic beer

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Jun 4, 2010
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I was wondering if it is possible for a homebrewer to make non-alcoholic beer? I would assume you would follow the same process of making alcoholic beer so you could get the flavour that is imparted from the yeast into the beer but somehow get rid of the alcohol after the yeast has done its job?

:shock: I've suddenly come over quite peculiar.

In theory, I suppose if you heated it, say above 80°C for a while, that should do it, but you would have to force carbonate.

If it's not a stupid question - WHY? :wha:
:grin: hey hold on, there may be a legit reason......

One that springs to mind, if I were ever told I couldn't drink Alcohol again I think i'd like to be able to brew still and anjoy the product :hmm: I'm sure this isn't the reason though :pray:
lol The reason I ask is my Dad is just recovering from an operation removing a blood clot from his brain and (depending on which Doc you ask) he's not allowed to drink alcohol anymore (not a sentence a man wants to hear that!) as it can cause epileptic fits. So I was wondering if it was possible as a homebrewer to make non-alcoholic beer so he wouldn't have totally give it up.
Sorry to hear about Dad :!: Hope you manage to find a way to provide a decent 'brew' :thumb:
Sad news indeed, will be interested to hear what suggestions come forward :thumb:
Cheers guys, my dad is alright now he came home this evening, though not been able to drink is is going to be a big bummer for him so any advice would be gratefully received :cheers:
Think you can just boil off the alcohol, I'm sure carpet did something similar making a Harry potter beer for kids to drink
You could always go ala Brewdog, and put the beer in deep freeze, the beer will freeze the alcohol won't, drain the alchol off when the lump is frozen.

You may need to do this a few times to completely remove all the alchol, and you will probably need to force carbonate the remaining liquid in a cornie once the reason for living has been removed, ;)

Moley's already answerd the question!
Moley said:
if you heated it, say above 80°C for a while, that should do it
To boil it off to atmosphere is all we're allowed to do in this country. :x
ericstd said:
Moley's already answerd the question!
Moley said:
if you heated it, say above 80°C for a while, that should do it
To boil it off to atmosphere is all we're allowed to do in this country. :x
It doesn't remove it all as the alcohol forms strong hydrogen bonds with the water . . . plus you change the taste of the beer . . . In spirit distillation the 'alcohol' generally goes through three stills to become pure. . . . Most 'no/low' alcohol beers are made using vacuum distillation (so the heat does not have to be so high) . . . and the remaining alcohol is stripped using an alcohol adsorbing resin
Sorry to bring up an old thread but I had a mad-cap idea in regards to this.

Do you think it would be biologically possible for someone to create a yeast strain that behaves normal in every respect apart from producing alcohol. I realise this is a bit like asking a human being to eat food and not take a dump :lol: but if it were possible to turn off the gene responsible for creating alcohol.......

The good news is my dad is fine and after talking to many doctors has been told there is no problem in him drinking alcohol (within reason obviously :lol: ) but it did make me realise how little there is to choose from in the non-alcoholic beer market (and what there is, is pretty poor to drink anyway)

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